The need for a sustainable, safe and humane approach to management brings in a wide range of interests, public and private, statutory and voluntary. The Deer Initiative Partnership provides the framework for these interests to work together to achieve a shared vision:
The achievement and maintenance of a sustainable and healthy population of wild deer in England and Wales.
With the understanding that landscape-scale approaches should be applied more widely to land management issues, from wild boar to non-native species, biofuels and habitat networks, the model developed by the DI Partnership is becoming increasingly relevant. The Deer Initiative is a successful example of "big society" management of landscape scale challenges.
The Deer Initiative Partners
- British Association for Shooting and Conservation
- British Deer Society
- Confor
- Country Land and Business Association
- Countryside Alliance
- Defra
- Defence Deer Management
- Defence Infrastructure Organisation
- Forestry Commission
- Forest Enterprise
- Forest Research
- Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust
- Highways England
- National Farmers’ Union
- National Forest Company
- National Gamekeepers’ Organisation
- National Police Chiefs’ Council
- National Trust
- Natural England
- Natural Resources Wales
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
- Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts
- Small Woods Association
- St Hubert Club of Great Britain
- Veterinary Deer Society
- Woodland Trust